Adam Cox Materials (as defined below) made available through our products, services, public websites, or other publications and distributions are proprietary to Adam Cox and subject to copyright and other intellectual property protections, regardless of where and how they are referenced. This policy describes permissible use of Adam Cox Materials, when Adam Cox consent is required, and the process for requesting such consent.

This policy applies to any entity or individual that gets access to Adam Cox Materials. This policy also applies to any third-party that writes about and/or promotes Adam Cox Materials, including alliance partners and distributors. Adam Cox reserves the right to change this policy at any time, without notice. This policy is for general information purposes only, and Adam Cox reserves the right to deny any and all uses of any of its Materials at its sole discretion

General Requirements

Adam Cox "Materials" include any and all documents, information, content, research, training manuals, templates, technical reports, report formats, research data, product and assessment content (including survey or test content and scoring protocols), websites, and/or any other materials developed, owned, and/or provided by Adam Cox, or its affiliates.

Rules Governing Use

Permission must be requested to use or reproduce logo, trademarks, or service marks except as presented in the original Materials without alteration for use within a client company.

Copyright and Citation Requirements

So long as you are consistent with the above detail, you may apply your own citation styles. For example, Chicago style citation recommends italicizing the titles of studies and names of blogs while enclosing in quotation marks the titles of blog posts, web pages, and videos.

Request for Permission

All requests for ad-related permissions must include detail about the placement of the advertisement.